
You can download the pre-made phrasebank from the table. If you do require a custom one, go forward.

pip install openphrasebank

Get a Self-defined Phrasebank in 3 Steps#

Below is an example based on n-gram frequency. More examples, e.g. extract from PDF, are available in documents.

1️⃣ Load and Tokenize the Data#

import openphrasebank as opb

tokens_gen = opb.load_and_tokenize_data (dataset_name="orieg/elsevier-oa-cc-by", 
                                         keys=['title', 'abstract','body_text'],

2️⃣ Generate N-grams#

n_values = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
opb.generate_multiple_ngrams(tokens_gen, n_values)

3️⃣ Filter and save#

# Define the top limits for each n-gram length
top_limits = {1: 2000, 2: 2000, 3: 1000, 4: 300, 5: 200, 6: 200, 7: 200, 8: 200}

# Filter the frequent n-grams and store the results in a dictionary
phrases = {}
freqs = {}
for n, limit in top_limits.items():
    phrases[n], freqs[n] = opb.filter_frequent_ngrams(ngram_freqs[n], limit,min_freq=20)

# Combine and sort the phrases from n-gram lengths 2 to 6
sorted_phrases = sorted(sum((phrases[n] for n in range(2, 7)), []))

# Write the sorted phrases to a Markdown file
with open('../elsevier_phrasebank_PSYC_SOCI.txt', 'w') as file:
    for line in sorted_phrases:
        file.write(line + '\n')